Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Are you prepared for 2014?

Did you accomplish the goals you had set out in 2013? If not, WHY? Many people make New Years Resolutions that deep down they truly do not intend to keep. They may intend to "keep" them, but allow themselves to fall to their excuses to justify why they did not attain them.
What needs to change then? You are making goals after all, at the beginning of the year. Here are a couple of tips that can help get you started, that the successful people employ everyday.
It has been said that a goal is only a dream until it is written down. So step 1: Pull out a piece of paper and your pen and start actually writing down your goals. Not only should you write down the goals, you need to really think about them and ensure they are S.M.A.R.T. goals.


Using SMART goals is a method to determine the "How" and "when" of your goals. But it doesn't stop there. You now need to review these goals regularly to make sure you are on track. This is especially true if they are time sensitive. 
Now take a look at the 5 people you spend the most time with. Do they motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals?  Are they always complaining about things and suck you into that negative mindset? You want to surround yourself with people who are going to lift you up on a regular basis and give you that boost you need, not listen to you complain and add to it. Take an inventory of your friends and see where they fit.
Do you have a mentor? Every successful person has had a mentor to guide them. Of course you need to be careful, who you take advice from. You want to find a mentor who has been where you want to go, and has had the hurdles you are going to run into. Many people would be extremely happy to mentor you and pass on their knowledge. However, you need to ensure you do not waste their time. Successful individuals do not like sitting down with someone, only to have them do it their own way anyways. 
There are many other ways to help you reach your goals for 2014. Take the time on your goals before you commit fully, to ensure they are really what you want. Once you have them down on paper, sign it and do not let any excuse get in your way to achieving the satisfaction of attaining your goals!!

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