Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Difference Between Successful and Unsuccessful Realtors

There is a key difference between those who are extremely successful in business and Real Estate to those who are unsuccessful. It all boils down to their mindset. Successful people actually think differently than most of the people in the world today.
So what are some of the key things you can do today, that can start to change your mindset and put you in the frame of being successful?
One habit you can start with, but can be hard to change, is that of changing the vocabulary you use everyday. There are many words that we use in your everyday exchanges with other people, and even yourself, that will limit our success. Many people are not even aware of how often they use these words, so it is mostly becoming aware of the words we use everyday. These words are ones that have negative connotations. Words like "can't" are extremely detrimental to success. Once you start to say you "can't do" something, you actually convince yourself it is true. Millionaires do not have the word "can't" in their vocabulary. Instead they think "HOW". This starts their mind focusing on creating solutions vs. just shutting down.
Another simple sounding change (yet takes a lot of practice) is changing your daily energy level. Successful individuals operate at a level of high energy everyday. High energy people are contagious and can uplift and motivate those around them. When you are operating on low energy, your mind will not necessarily get into the creative mode it needs to be in to find solutions, and it will be easier to put task off till later. So you need to find out what it is that boosts your energy from the moment you rise out of bed, and can carry you throughout your entire day.
Millionaires feed their brain every day. Once you finish High School or College, does not mean you are done learning. Education is an ongoing process, especially if you would like to be successful. There is always something new you can learn. There are many great books, audio tapes, and seminars you can attend that will give you the new information you need to stay up to date. There are actually many great resources on mindset itself that go into much further detail about what the most successful people do on a daily basis. Always be feeding your mind everyday!
Remember, it starts with you! You can either choose to be successful or you can choose not to be. It is all in your MIND!

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